F-104G (c/n 4005) 61-2605 “4-605”, Turkish Air Force, preserved near Akhisar. (photo thanks to Michiel Vogelpoel)
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 4019) 61-2619 “FG619”, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Yesilkoy Aviation Museum, Istanbul, wearing the old 60s color scheme. Tail section once belonged to c/n 8223.
(Note: This aircraft has been removed from the display area and put likely in storage or undergoing restoration!!)
F-104G (c/n 4020) 61-2620 “E-620”, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole at the military area of Adnan – Menderes Apt.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 4033) 61-2633 “FG633”, Turkish Air Force, preserved near the Technical School at Gaziemir. Currently found standing in the grass.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 4041) 62-12239 as “239”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Eskisehir Air Base in F-16 camouflage color scheme among other preserved older military aircraft. (Picture shows it when it was preserved at Bursa some years before. < l/n 01-11-2024>
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 6015) 62-12316 “4-316” of 4 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Izelman park in Izmir-Incirali with tail from aircraft CF-104 “104733”.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 6015) 62-12331, Turkish Air Force, preserved in two tone grey color scheme and 4-331 in white aside an F-4 and F-100 on reserve base Sivrihisar.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 6043) 62-12344 “4-344” of 4 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Yesilkoy Aviation Museum in Istanbul.
F-104G (c/n 6070) 63-12718, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole at a military camp near Antalya. Since 2008 it is wearing a light grey F16 camouflage scheme. (ex “4-718”).
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 6085) 63-12733 “4-733” of 4 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved near the university of Istanbul.
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5529) 65-9415 “9-415” of 9AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved as gateguard at Corlu AB.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 2045) 2045 “9-045” of 9 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Balikesir wearing old Luftwaffe color scheme. Possibly removed after mid 2010.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 2065) “8-065” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved North East of Corlu Reserves Air Base since 1994.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 2066) 2066 “8-066” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Diyarbakir near some buildings.
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5703) 5703 “8-703” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved in the garden of the department of the university of Erciyer (Kayseri) along a road. Since around 2013 the aircraft was refurbished and installed on a new applied platform.
TF-104G (c/n 5711) 5711, Turkish Air Force, preserved in Yesilkoy – Istanbul, near the water, wearing an F-16 grey color scheme.
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5721) 5721 “6-721” of 6 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole at Kütahya Apt antrance.
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5722) 5722 “8-722” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved without markings and with F-16 camo scheme in Afyon on a pole as gateguard.
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5725) 5725 “9-725” of 9 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Yesilkoy Aviation Museum in Istanbul. (Note: This aircraft has been removed from the display area and put likely in storage or undergoing restoration!!)
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5911) 5911 “8-911” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved behind the Akvaryum cafe in Ciğli, next to Kent hospital. First noted in autumn 2013 and in 2017 refurbished and now wearing black serial. Moved recently 2021 or 2022.
Find it with Google MapsTF-104G (c/n 5945) 5945 “8-945” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, formerly preserved in a small town named Keskin in Kirikkale province as “Keskin-1”, it can now be found on the roof of the Özel Yonca Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Liseli (Private school) at Ahili. The serial has been covered by a black block.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 6622) 6622 “9-622” of 9 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Base Museum at Balikesir formerly wearing an experimental brown-lizard camouflage scheme but now it has received the standard brown-green Turkish camouflage scheme.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G c/n 6653 is now (believed to be) preserved at the 191 Filo area at Balikesir with serial “9-191” and a Cobra painted on its tail.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 6667) 6667 “9-667” of 9 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole inside the University Aviation Park at Anadolu. (Formerly known as Eskisehir Air museum)
Find it with Google MapsF-104S (c/n 1159) MM6859 “9-859” of 9AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved with the Air Force Logistic Command in Etimesgut-Ankara.
Find it with Google MapsF-104S (c/n 1162) MM6862 “9-862” of 9AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the campus of the Pamukkale University in Denizli, Turkey still wearing its old camouflage paint but missing its S ventral fins.
Find it with Google MapsF-104S (c/n 1168) 6868 , Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Yesilkoy IAP Museum in Yesilkoy-Istanbul. Only serial on tail.
F-104S (c/n 1195) MM6895, Turkish Air Force, preserved without squadron markings and grey color scheme inside the Rahmi Kov Museum of Industry in Istanbul.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7005) 7005 “8-7005” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole in Mersin. It has been taken down currently and will be installed back on a new structure after cleaning and maybe refurbishing.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7017) 7017 “5-017” of 5AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved in at Merzifon AB.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7019) 7019 “4-019” of 4AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved in white color scheme in a small village called Sila.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7047) 7047 as “1937” and on its tail “7037”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the Military academy (visible from ITU Ayazaga campus),Turkey. The number “1937” is linked to the fact that In 1937 the Air War College was established. Sadly we have only a photo which shows half of the aircraft, Who has a better photo?
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7051) 7051 “4-051” of 4AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Akinci AB (former known as Murted AB).
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7108) 7108 “8-108” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Diyarbakir, East from the airbase in a park in grey colorsscheme.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7122) 7122 of 9AJU (coded 9-191 and 9-192), Turkish Air Force, preserved in front of the new Kamal Ata Turk monument in Balikesir City. It arrived there around 2008.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7125) “9-125”, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole at the entrance of the Celal Bayar University at Manisa-Muradiye.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7161) “65-7161”, Turkish Air Force, preserved in the town Vezirköprü, Samsun province on a pole since summer 2018.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7164) 7164 “9-164” of 9AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved as gateguard with German MFG1 badges at Akhisar AB.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7185) 7185 “6-185” of 6AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Eskisehir AB.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7186) formerly as “6-186” but nowadays as “6-1046”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Bandirma at the display area. Photo shows the aircraft still before it was repainted in Green-Brown camouflage scheme.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7190) 7190 “8-190” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the University Aviation Park at Anadolu. (Formerly known as Eskisehir Air museum). In between it has been repainted in 2007.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7209) 7209 as “209”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Yalova since around 2003 and moved to the entrance lane of the airfield in 2008.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 7304) 7304 as “8-304”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the 6AJU premises at Bandirma AB. Former preserved at a children playground at coastal town Zonguldak but removed due to vandalism.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8060) “9-2000” , Turkish Air Force, preserved at the entrance of military side Dalaman – Marmaris Airport, on a pole.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8090) 8090 “9-191” (representing 191 Filo) of 9AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole at Balikesir AB near the 191 filo premises.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8105) 8105 “4-105” of 4AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the premises of the University Campus in Ankara. In between the aircraft has been sprayed into a white colorscheme.
Find it with Google MapsThis Starfighter (c/n 8116) can be found preserved on a pole between trees at Çardak Hava Meydan Komutanliği (Çardak airfield command barracks) at Airport Denizli-Çardak.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8128) 8128 “8-128” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Diyarbakir AB (possibly removed and scrapped?).
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8168) 8168, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a lawn at the Arslanbey University Campus in Kocaeli. It was recently refurbished in light grey color scheme.
F-104G (c/n 8205) 8205 “8-205” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole with wheels in as collection of the Air Museum in Etimesgut.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8277) 8277 currently on display on a pedestal at 141 Filo operations area at Akinci AB found in the South of the complex, since 2012 as “4-277” . Repainted in 2015.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8284) 8284 “8-284” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the premises of the Karadeniz Technical University at Trabzon. It was refurbished in 2021.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8286) 8286 “9-286” of 9AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the premises of the University Campus in Erzurum.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8299) 8299 as “8288/8-288” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, (formerly preserved inside the Sports Complex at Yesilyurt. After refurbishment into a white color scheme it was put on display at Izmir AB Cigli as “8-288” North of the gate near the officers mess/barracks. (Photo was taken in June 2011).
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8321) 8321 “8-321” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved as gateguard at Batman.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8346) 8346 “8-346” of 8AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the Marmara University at Goztepe City.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 8347) 8347 as “65-8347” , Turkish Air Force, preserved near a military hospital at Incirali near Izmir.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 9052), Turkish Air Force, preserved at Bodrum. It was seen in the past as “4-852″ but currently it is coded 9052/”9-052”. (We still need some extra confirmation about its identity).
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 9078) 9078 “078”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the Turkish Military School at Yesilyurt-Okulu. Picture was taken in 1999. (Last noted May 2004)
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 9083) 9083 “083”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the Turkish Military School at Yesilyurt-Okulu.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 9135) 9135 “8-135” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved as gateguard at Erzurum.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n 9145) 9145 in 4 AJU special paintbrush colorscheme, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Balikesir Air Base near 192 Filo buildings. Until 2006 it had a special color scheme which was paintbrushed over in 2006.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104D (c/n 5312) 104642 “8-642” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Air Museum collection in Etimesgut.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1011) 104711 “8-711” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the Air Museum in Etimesgut.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1013) 104713 “8-713” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Diyarbakir AB on the preserved aircraft area. (“62-713”).
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1033) 104733 “8-733” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Askeri Muzesi collection in Istanbul-Harbiye.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1051) 104751 “78-135”, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Trabzon OF-town center with a CF-104 tail mounted, since 10 March 2018. (Formerly preserved at Eskisehir Air Base)
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1056) 104756 “8-756” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved Cayagzi, at the entrance of a large complex along the coast, West of Riva city. It has been there already at least since mid 2011.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1060) 104760 “8-760” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole in Turgutlu (“62-760”) along the E96 highway. In September 2013 it was taken away by road transport and nowadays it can be found dumped near some military barracks, hopefully to be restored one day? See more about the transport here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5NNRmFhGV0
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1070) 104770 “8-770” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved inside the Air Museum collection at Etimesgut.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1086) 104786 “8-786” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved as “62-786” on a pole in the mountains at Sevgi Mh. South of Gaziemir/Izmir. In earlier years before 2008 it was preserved on a pole near the harbor.
Find it with Google MapsThis CF-104 (c/n 1096 / 104796) can be found preserved at Mus, 115 km South of Erzurum, as “9-896”.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1108) 104808 “8-808” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved as gateguard (“62-808”) at Diyarbakir AB.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1110) 104810 “8-810” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a sand dune near 3rd AMSC barracks at Etimesgut. Since early May 2008 it disappeared… probably being repainted because in May 2015 it was seen preserved again. Photo shows the aircraft some years ago.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1141) 104841 “8-841” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved on a pole inside the Kütahya Park, north of Diyarbakir AB.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1245) 104845 with fake serial “4-955” of 4 AJU, Turkish Air Force, is preserved on a pole in Osmancik Corum.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1169) 104869 “8-869” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Ordu, wearing an F-16 grey color scheme and designation “63-869” on its tail.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1173) 104873, 8-873, preserved inside the base museum at Akinci. Last noted in 2011.
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n 1191) 104891 “8-891” of 8 AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at the gate of Diyarbakir AFB.
Find it with Google MapsUnknow F-104 preserved as “10-101”, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Incirlik AB with the 10AJU, 101Filo (Tanker unit). Serial was decided to represent the 10AJU and 101Filo. It is not F-104G 7101 which has been scrapped at Izmir-Aliaga late 1996.
Find it with Google MapsF-104S (c/n 1???) as fake “6-186” of 6AJU, Turkish Air Force, preserved at Bandirma AB gate.
Find it with Google MapsF-104G (c/n ????) “260” , Turkish Air Force, preserved at Akinci (formerly known Murted AB) completely bare metal and still unidentified. Who knows more about its identity? It can be found in the middle of the airbase not visible from outside. It looks like it has been refurbished a bit recently having received red tiptank tips and vulcan mouth. Also it looks like a small serial “4-260” has been applied on the fuselage (seen in 2013).
Find it with Google MapsCF-104 (c/n ????) with fake code “2733 code 4-733” , Turkish Air Force, preserved near Hendek town, on a hill along the road. Identity is still unknown. It really looks like a CF-104 since it is missing its navigation light on top.
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