Other Exercises

Aside the well known exercises F-104 also participated in other mostly smaller organized exercises and events, These have been listed down here in alphabetic order.

ADVENT EXPRESS 1975 - Coningsby - 27 November till 8 December 1975

This year 28 Gruppo (part of 3 Aerobrigata) from Villafranca, Italy participated with their F-104 Starfighters. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise. Aircraft seen at Coningsby were RF-104Gs: MM6637/3-21, MM6632/3-22, MM6646/3-24, MM6647/3-25, MM6633/3-27 and MM6635/3-31. Pre-exercise visit took place on August 21st involving RF-104Gs MM6637/3-21 and MM6643/3-28. (Thanks to Dave Wilton for this information) Beneath two photos taken at Coningsby during the exercise showing MM6635/3-31 returning from an other mission and MM6637/3-21 taxying away home in the early morning.


ADVENTURE EXPRESS - Erhac - June 1983

Italian Air Force 132 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, participated with the F-104G Starfighter. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.


AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1965 - Unknown - September 1965

This year the very first ADC was held. It is unknown where it was held but at least the Belgium 1st Wing team, based at Beauvechain, won the trophy (21-9-1965).



AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1966 - Neuburg - 1966

Dutch Air Force 322 Squadron Starfighters won this 1966 competition. (Beneath the Dutch team with their Trophy). Also a photo taken at Neuburg showing two JG74 Starfighters and some competition behind them (JG74 archives).

20+85_asJD+231 F-104G JG 74 ADC Neuburg 1966_(c) JG74XAirDefenceCompetitionWinner1966

AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1967 - Soesterberg AFB and Wittmundhafen AB - 5 till 7 June 1967

Dutch Air Force 322 Squadron and German Air Force JG71 (JA+111, JA+117 and JA+236). The Germans and Dutch replaced eachother during this Air Defense exercise against the 32FiS F-102A Delta Daggers from Soesterberg AFB.
JG71 won the "Heddleston Trophy" but also the "Guynemer Trophy" and became the best team of all the West German Air Defence sectors. Wilhelm “Willy” Göbel was team leader of the WTM team. Beneath two photos thanks to Wilhelm Göbel


AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1967 - Beauvechain AB -  8 til 10 June 1967

The Belgian Air Force 1Wing participated where also RAF 92 squadron was available for this exercise as a joint team.


AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1968 - Gutersloh -  1968

The Belgian Air Force 1Wing ended up second during this exercise.



AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1968 - Twenthe AFB and Hahn AFB - June 1968

Dutch Air Force 323 Squadron flew with D-6653, 6656, 8053, 8058, 8319 and 8331 from Twenthe AFB as partner with the 32nd FiS with six Delta Daggers. The German Air Force JG74 participated as well but flew from Hahn AFB and won the competition together with the Hahn, Germany stationed 496th FiS from the USAF. German Starfighters included aircraft 20+85 and 24+52. The Dutch Starfighters had special AirTac badges on their tails. Beneath a photo taken at Twenthe Air Base by Hans Koning showing the special AFCENT markings on one of the Dutch Starfighters as well as the color version taken by Joop Dionet back at Leeuwarden on July 1st. The other photo show the 323 Squadron pilots and right the 32nd TFS pilots in front of D-8331 which shows also the dragon badge linked to Leeuwarden Air Base. (Thanks to Marcel te Slaa). The color photo shows the D-6656 receiving some radar maintenance, note the F-102A on the left (tail). Photo of the patch thanks to Eddie Duggan. The German Starfighter photos (20+85 and 24+52) were taken at Hahn AFB in June 1968 during the exercise. (Thanks to Peter Mühlböck). And finally also a picture (unknown photographer) showing the groud crew showing the wonderful red Leeuwarden Air Base dragon badge applied on a participating F-102 at Twenthe Air Base.

24+52 F-104G JG74 ADC Hahn AFB June1968_PMC_mod_01X24+52 F-104G JG74 ADC Hahn AFB June 1968_PMC_mod_02X
20+85 F-104G JG74 ADC June Hahn AFB 1968 _PMCX

AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1969 - Wittmundhafen AFB - 16 till 18 April 1969

Dutch Air Force 322 Squadron (D-8090, D-8319, D-8331, D-8338 and D-6653) and German Air Force JG71 (23+54)
Due to the tragic accident with TF-104G 27+32 on April 15th the Germans were quite reserved but layed host role to their interceptor partners from 322 Squadron at Wittmundhafen.
Beneath a photo showing a line up of F-104s at Wittmundhafen (thanks to Klaus Kropf)

23+54 F-104G JG71 ADC Wittmund 1969_(C)JG71X

AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1969 - Ramstein AFB - May/June 1969

At least the German JG74 participated with F-104G Starfighters.

AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1970 - Gutersloh - 17 March till 9 April 1970

The Belgian Air Force was represented by the two Starfighter squadrons of 1Wing being the 349th and 350th Squadron. Aircraft seen were FX13, FX21 and FX30 as can be seen beneath thanks to Johan Bringmans.



AFCENT ADC (Air Defense Competition) 1970 - Soesterberg AFB - 31 March till 29 April 1970

The Dutch Air Force 322 Squadron participated. Aircraft seen were D-8083, D-8084, D-8104, D-8110 and D-8120. Also the German Air Force JG74 participated but not from Soesterberg (Jever?) with aircraft 23+47, 23+85, 24+63, 24+71, 24+84, 25+95 and 25+97. On September 5th there was an open house at Alconbury where two ADC participating JG74 aircraft could be seen on the static still with the ADC stickers on their intakes. The photos beneath are thanks to Peter Mühlböck.

25+97 F-104G JG74 badge Alconbury 05Sept1970X1970 AFCENT
25+97 F-104G JG74 Alconbury 05Sept1970_PMC_modX25+95 F-104G JG74 Alconbury 05Sept1970_PMC_modX


ALEXANDER EXPRESS - Tanagra - June 1973

Italian Air Force 28 Gruppo (part of 3rd Aerobrigata) from Villafranca, participated with the RF-104G Starfighter. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.


ALLY EXPRESS - Eskisehir - September 1988

Italian Air Force 132 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, participated with the F-104G Starfighter. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.



ANVIL EXPRESS - Eskisehir - September 1980

Italian Air Force 132 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, participated with the F-104G Starfighter. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.



ARCHWAY EXPRESS - Eskisehir - October 1985

Italian Air Force 132 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, participated with the F-104G Starfighter. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.



ARDENT GROUND - Florennes - Late April / Early May 1988

This year 132 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, participated with their F-104 Starfighters. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise..
Aircraft seen at Florennes were: MM6529/3-01, MM6593/3-05, MM6513/3-06, MM6590/3-11 and MM6608/3-15. Photo beneath thanks to Michiel Vogelpoel.


AURORA EXPRESS - Erhac/Diyarbakir - June 1987

Italian Air Force 132 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, participated with the F-104G Starfighter. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.
Also Starfighters from 8AJU participated. Seen were at least 104761/8-761, 104770/8-770 and 104837/8-837. Beneath pictures of the three noticed CF-104 Starfighters during the exercise at Diyarbakir (thanks to Dirk Lamarque).


AVON EXPRESS 1977 - Yeovilton - 15 till 26 November 1977

This year 28 Gruppo (3 Stormo) from Villafranca, Italy participated with their F-104 Starfighters. It was an AMF (Allied Command Europe - Mobile Force) exercise.
Aircraft seen at Coningsby were RF-104Gs: MM6633/3-27, MM6647/3-29, MM6635/3-31, MM6645/3-34 and F-104Gs: MM6593/3-41 and MM6522/3-45.
The pre-exercise visit took place on July 13th involving RF-104Gs MM6648/3-23, MM6649/3-29, MM6631/3-32 and TF-104G MM54232/20-6.
(Information thanks to Dave Wilton)
Beneath two photos showing F-104G MM6522/3-45 with Orpheus recce pod and RF-104G MM6645/3-34 both at Yeovilton.


Best Hit 1972 - Larissa AB - 13 till 22 July 1972

Turkish Air Force 191 Filo including F-104G aircraft 62-12313, 62-12325, 62-12328, 62-12336, 63-12732 and 63-13644 and 141 Filo with 61-2613 and 61-2621.
Photos beneath show aircraft 61-2621 and the former Spanish Air Force 63-12732 (adopted 2 months earlier by Turkey) thanks to Dick Lohuis from his collection and 62-12313 and 63-13644 thanks to Paul van den Elsaker (his collection).

See also: http://www.thunderstreaks.com/exercises/larissa-greece-best-hit-airsouth-fighter-weapons-meet-july-18-20-1972/


Best Hit 1973 - Istrana AB - July 1973

No Starfighters participated except some TF-104G as referee aircraft including MM54227/20-2, MM54233/20-9, MM54251/20-15 and MM54259/20-24 from 20 Gruppo .
Patch thanks to Eddie Duggan.

See also: http://www.thunderstreaks.com/exercises/istrana-italy-best-hit-airsouth-weapons-meet-july-17th-1973/



Best Hit 1974 - Murted AB - 16 till 27 July 1974

Turkish Air Force 141 Filo including F-104G aircraft 61-2620, 62-12333, 62-12339, 63-12718 and 64-17783 which were seen on a press day on July 16th.
However during this exercise the Cyprus crisis began which affected the exercise. Also three German F-104G Starfighters participated at Murted, one of them being 25+27.
Photos taken by Hans Koning.



Blacktop - Etain-Rouvres - 1 till 29 May 1965

While the runway got resurfaced at Marville, the Canadian 439 and 441 Squadron  (1 Wing) participated with this exercise Blacktop from 1st of May 1965.
An inter squadron competition was held and won by 439 Squadron.


Bold Game - NATO airbases - 1966

German Navy MFG2



Bold Game - NATO airbases - 22 April till 11 May 1986

German Navy MFG2



Bold Guard - Schleswig Jagel AB - 13 till 22 September 1978

German Navy MFG1



Botany Bay - NATO airbases - 13 till 24 September 1965

German Navy MFG1 (including VA+155)



Botany Bay - NATO airbases - 7 till 25 September 1977

German Navy MFG1, MFG2



Botany Bay - NATO airbases - 4 till 29 September 1979

German Navy MFG1, MFG2



Bright Horizon - NATO airbases - 1966

German Navy MFG2



Bright Horizon - NATO airbases - 10 till 22 May 1979

German Navy MFG2



Bright Horizon - NATO airbases - 6 till 15 May 1986

German Navy MFG2



Brown Falcon - NATO airbases - October 1974

Danish Air Force 726 Eskader



Brown Falcon - NATO airbases - 27 till 28 May 1986

German Navy MFG2


Central Enterprise - NATO airbases - June 1983

In the second week of June Danish Air Force 726 Eskadrille based at Aalborg, flying the F-104G and CF-104 participated this exercise from Soesterberg AFB. A number of Danish Starfighters visited Soesterberg AFB being TF-104G RT-682 (8 till 10 June) and F-104G's R-345 (6 to 10 June), R-348 (8 till 10 June), R-646 (6 till 8 June), R-702 (6 till 10 June), R-703 (6 till 10 June). All aircraft were from 726 Eskadrille except R-646 which was from 723 Eskadrille (likely used on loan). Beneath some photos taken at Soesterberg during the exercise, first the RT-682 (taken by Roel Reijne on June 9th), R-646, R-703 (taken by Martin Herbert), R-345 (taken by Henk de Ridder)and finally R-348 (taken by Roel Reijne).


China Coat - NATO airbases - 16 till 22 September 1969

German Navy MFG1 and MFG2



Clean Hunter - Wittmundhafen - 13 till 29 June 2001

Four Starfighters from 10 Gruppo (9 Stormo) based at Grazzanise participated being : MM6778/9-40, MM6929/9-43, MM6776/9-46 and MM6930/9-53.
See also article on the web here: http://www.airsceneuk.org.uk/hangar/2002/wittmund/wittmund.htm
Beneath photos thanks to Mick Balter showing aircraft MM6778 code 9-40, MM6929 code 9-43 and finally Capt Ferrara "Cheero" inside MM6776 code 9-46.

MM6778_9-40_Wittm210601MM6929_9-43_WittmJun01_cMM6776_9-46 Cherro_WittmJun01_MBa


Cooperative Key - Akinci - July 1998

Italian Air Force 18 Gruppo (37 Stormo) with 4 F-104S/ASA Starfighters (1 camo + 3 grey)



Dawn Patrol - Greece - June/July 1970

The Royal Hellenic Air Force 335 Mira participated in this NATO exercise with F-104G Starfighters.


Dawn Patrol - Araxos AFB - May 1974

The Turkish Air Force 141 Filo participated in this NATO exercise with F-104G Starfighters and very likely also Araxos-based Greek F-104G Starfighters participated as well.
Exercise was held for one week. 


Desert Strike - California - May 1964

USAF F-104C aircraft from 479TFW at George AFB, participated in this joint USAF/US ARMY exercise in the Ft.Irwin California range area. F-104C 56-922  was dressed in battle stripes for this exercise.



Display Determination - Rimini AB / Eskisehir AB - September 1987

Turkish Air Force 181 Filo (8 AJU) participated at Rimini AB with CF-104's: 104733/8-733, 104756/8-756, 104776/8-776, 104808/8-808 and CF-104Ds 104642/8-642, 104658/8-658. Turkish aircraft were seen at Rimini at least on September 18th.
Italian Air Force 102 Gruppo (5 Stormo), based at Rimini, participated at Eskisehir AB during this period with their F-104S/ASA aircraft. Beneath a picture of Turkish CF-104 8-756 at Rimini by Alberto Storti and two other pictures showing 104756/8-756 and 104808/8-808.



Display Determination - Grazzanise AB - September 1989

Turkish Air Force 192 Filo (9 AJU) with F-104G Starfighters participated being F-104G 7119/9-119, 9156/9-156, 8163/9-163, 8299/9-299 and TF-104Gs 5703/9-703 and 6927/9-927. The TF-104G 5703 is seen beneath (photo by Ron Damstra) and F-104G 8163 (photo by E. Lang)


Distant Hammer - Bandirma - May 1986

During this exercise the Italian Air Force 102 Gruppo (5 Stormo) based at Rimini AB, flying the F-104S Starfighter participated together with 162 Filo (Turkish Air Force). Aircraft seen were at least F-104S MM6848/5-26, an uncoded F-104S and Turkish F-104Gs 7047/6-047 and 8339/6-339. The picture below was found on the internet.


Dragon Hammer - Gioia Del Colle AB - May 1987

This year the Turkish Air Force 191 filo (9 AJU), based at Balikesir AB, flying the F-104S / TF-104G aircraft, participated at Gioia del Colle as a deployment for exercise Dragon Hammer. Aircraft seen were TF-104Gs 61-3028/9-028, 61-3029/9-029, 5807/9-807 and single seat F-104Ss 6865/9-865, 6906/9-906. Beneath a photo of a formation during the exercise taken on May 5th, showing the Turkish 2-seater aircraft 9-029 and Gioia based F-104S MM6940/36-02.


Distant Thunder - Eskisehir - 30 April till mid May 1998

During this exercise the Italian Air Force 20 Gruppo (4 Stormo) based at Grosseto AB, flying the TF-104GM Starfighter participated. At least 4 aircraft were seen including MM54253/4-36 as can be seen below (thanks to Paul Seymour).


Dragon Hammer - Grazzanise AB / Valencia AB - April 1989

During this exercise the Turkish Air Force 161 Filo (6 AJU) based at Bandirma AB, flying the F-104G aircraft, participated at Grazzanise with F-104G 7093/6-093, 7164/6-164 (seen beneath), 7190/6-190, 7432/6-432 and TF-104Gs 5923/6-923, 5950/6-950 (seen beneath). The Italian Air Force 18 Gruppo (37 Stormo), based at Trapani AB, flying the F-104S/ASA, participated from the Spanish Air Base Valencia.


Elder Forest - Leeuwarden AFB - 14 till 17 April 1980

This exercise was aiming at testing the Air Defence capabilities of the United Kingdom. For this purpose nine CF-104s were seen At Leeuwarden Air Base, performing the attacks at the UK.
Aircraft were 104733, 104750, 104805, 104813, 104821, 104835, 104842, 104845 and 104869. The 104869 made an emergency landing at Coningsby on April 15th and after repair it flew back to Sollingen. At least 421 Squadron was involved but it is possible that also 439 and/or 441 Squadron were involved. Below a picture taken by Jerry Stok at Leeuwarden during the event. It shows aircraft 104733 flown by Lt Col Fraser Holman (421 Sq).


Elder Forest - Gilze Rijen AFB - 4 till 8 March 1984

This exercise was aiming at testing the Air Defence capabilities of the United Kingdom. For this purpose eight CF-104s were seen early March at Gilze Rijen, performing the attacks at the UK.
Beneath a nice picture taken by Peter van der Berg on March 4th. Seven of the aircraft could be identified being 104733, 104756, 104770, 104776, 104784, 104787, 104866 and 104873, all operated by 421 and 439 squadron (and 441 squadron as well?).


EOLO - Orange AB, France - June 1998

The Italian Air Force 23 Gruppo (5 Stormo), from Cervia AB, flying the F-104S/ASA, deployed to Orange during June 1998 for this exercise which took place together with the French national exercise ODAX.



EOLO - Albacete, Spain - June 2000

The Italian Air Force 23 Gruppo (5 Stormo), from Cervia AB, flying the F-104S/ASA, participated also.




Equal Effort - NATO airbases - 15 till 29 September 1971

German Navy MFG2



Good Grill - NATO airbases - 10 till 20 September 1973

German Navy MFG2



MIG-CAP 1975 - Cold Lake - unknown 1975

Specific exerice to train dogfight techniques together with the US Navy.
This case it was 417 squadron at Cold Lake with the US NAVY VF-201 flying the F-8 Crusader.
Beneath a picture showing CF-104 104773 during the event.


Northern Merger - NATO airbases - 6 till 27 September 1974

German Navy MFG1 and MFG2



Northern Wedding - NATO airbases - 19 till 25 September 1970

German Navy MFG1



Northern Wedding - NATO airbases including Lista AB and Mildenhall AFB - 4 till 19 September 1978

German Navy MFG1



Northern Wedding - NATO airbases - 6 till 17 September 1982

German Navy MFG2



Ocean Safari - Ørland AB - 14 till 20 November 1975

German Navy MFG1 (with six F-104Gs)



Ocean Safari - Ørland AB - 25 September till 5 October 1979

German Navy MFG2 (with six RF-104Gs, five F-104Gs and one TF-104G)



ODAX - Cazaux AB - 18 till 26 April 2001

Trapani-Birgi based 18 Gruppo (37 Stormo) brought four Starfighters to France for the ODAX exercise. These were F-104S/ASAM MM6732/37-04, MM6914/37-01, MM6926/37-12 and MM6939/37-22. The aircraft used callsigns “I 6926” and “I 6732”. Below a nice picture taken by Jurgen van Toor showing MM6926/37-12 during the exercise.



Priory Air Defense Exercise  - RAF Binbrook - mid July 1982

Dutch Air Force 311 Squadron participated with four F-104G Starfighters D-8022, D-8048, D-8114 and D-8326.
Beneath a photo showing D-8048 parked next to D-8114 at Binbrook on July 13th. (thanks to Kelvin Wyatt)



Red Flag - Nellis AFB, USA - November 1977

A number of 1 CAG Starfighter pilots participated with 417sq pilots using aircraft from 417sq. Because their polished aluminum appearance the aircraft had been painted light grey with easy removable water based paint. During the exercise, on November 16th, one of the participating CF-104s, serial 104775,  struck ground on a formation low level training mission. The pilot Major Mike Coutu did sadly not eject and was killed instantly. Beneath a photo taken by Laurie Hawn parked at Hill Air Force Base, November 20th, showing aircraft 104754 on its return flight back to Cold Lake from Nellis Air Force Base. The water based paint is already vanishing of the fuselage.


Red Flag 79-4 - Nellis AFB, USA - February 1979

Six 1 CAG Starfighter pilots (2 from each of 421, 439 and 441sq) participated with two 417sq pilots using aircraft from 417sq during this 2 week long exercise. Flight lead was USAF exchange pilot Capt. John Selles, serving 417sq at Cold Lake.
On February 21st, aircraft 104754 struck the side of one of the mountains near Nellis Air Force Base during a tactical egress exercise. Pilot Capt. Bruce Reid sadly did not eject and was killed instantly. Capt. Reid was the lead  for our two-ship together with Capt. Norm Shaw (421sq USAF exchange pilot). Their mission included an attack on a fortified bunker using two full pods of CRV7 rockets per airplane.

Red Flag 82-1 - Nellis AFB, USA - November 1981

A number of 417 Squadron aircraft participated. These included aircraft 104737.


Salty Target - Erding Air Base - November 1975

There isn't known much about this exercise but at least it was stated that CF-104s from Baden-Soellingen participated.



Silver Tower - NATO airbases - 17 till 29 September 1968

German Navy MFG1 Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Strong Express - NATO airbases - 15 till 25 September 1972

German Navy MFG1 and MFG2 Starfighters participated in this exercise.




Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Aalborg - 16 till 20 August 1976

German Navy MFG1 (five F-104Gs) Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Aalborg - 16 till 19 August 1977

German Navy MFG2 Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Aalborg - 14 till 18 August 1978

German Navy MFG2Starfighters participated in this exercise.


Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Aalborg - 16 till 23 August 1980

German Navy MFG1 (six F-104Gs) and MFG2 (six F-104G) Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Aalborg - 17 till 31August 1981

German Navy MFG2 (twelve F-104G) Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Aalborg - 20 till 31August 1984

German Navy MFG2 (twelve F-104G) Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Tactical Fighter Weaponry - Skrydstrup - 25 August to 8 September 2000 

The Italian Air Force 18 Gruppo (37 Stormo), based at Trapani AB, flying the F-104S/ASA-M was deployed to this Danish Air Base for this event.
Aircraft seen were: F-104's MM6772/37-11, MM6775/37-10, MM6926/37-12 and MM6939/37-22.



TACPOL - Leeuwarden AB - 29 till 31 March 1983

Dutch Air Force 306 Squadron (D-8107, D-8127) and Canadian Air Force CF-104s 104743 and 104873 Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Tactical Discussions and Procedures Update - Beauvechain - 29 January to 1 February 1996

The Italian Air Force 23 Gruppo (5 Stormo), based at Cervia AB, flying the F-104S/ASA was deployed to this Belgium Air Base for this event. Seen were F-104's  MM6771/5-31 and MM6786/5-32.



Team Work - NATO airbases - 10 till 24 September 1976

German Navy MFG1 and MFG2 Starfighters participated in this exercise, among them was 26+72 (MFG2) as can be see beneath (by Helmut Baumann).


Team Work - Sola AB - 15 till 22 September 1980

German Navy MFG1 (six F-104G) and MFG2 (six F-104G) Starfighters participated in this exercise. One of the participants was F-104G 22+78 (MFG2). It crashed on 22 September 50 miles South West of Aalborg AB.


Team Work - Sola AB - 6 till 15 March 1984

German Navy MFG2 (six F-104G) Starfighters participated in this exercise.



Wooden Walls - NATO airbases - 1966

German Navy MFG2 Starfighters participated in this exercise.


Comment: Some exercises have not been mentioned like the TACEVAL exercises. Nearly all units had TACEVAL events each year.
This is not a real exercise but an evaluation during 2 or 3 days.
Sometimes TACEVAL was conducted on a different airbase and sometimes other units deployed to the airbase of the “evaluated” unit to support the event.  But still these are not true exercises.