Hans Koning, known from the series "F-104 World Military Aircraft Series", has created and released a new book inside this series.
After he made two specials about the F-104 in Turkish and Greek service, he now also made a special about the F-104 in the Norwegian Air Force service. He stated that this book tells in detail the individual history of every F-104 and CF-104 that flew in Norwegian Air Force service with many photographs in color and black and white. The layout and appearance with ring binder of the book has 50 pages and is available in A4 and A5 format.
If you are interested you need to contact Hans Koning via email (hanskoning47@ziggo.nl). The price of the book was stated to be: in A4 size € 27,50 and in A5 size € 19,50 (Prices are exclusive shipment).
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