
MM6603 new future

The F-104G MM6603 could be found preserved as "3-13" at Ronco Ferraro, Mantova, Italy at least since 2004. The aircraft carries the tail from F-104G MM6550.
Recently the aircraft was offered for take-over and it looks as the owner succeeded.
Currently the aircraft is receiving some attention and we will be curious about the final result of the planned restoration.

Picture thanks to Alberto Visconti.

1 Comment

  1. Alberto Visconti

    Take over was closed successfully and owner of aircraft changed. 3-13 has been moved in October 19th 2023 to Sesto Calende, Varese in OVS Villella Aerospace plant. Team Starfighters.it and OVS Villella will be committed in aircraft restoration.

    Thanks for attention, regards
    Alberto Visconti
    Team Starfighters.it


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