
26+28 on the move in Italy

F-104G (c/n 9180) 26+28, German Air Force, normally preserved inside Air Museum in Cerbaiola (RN), near Rimini,
was seen this or last week being transported to an unknown location. It was seen on a truck near Fratte (Padova).
Looking at the aircraft the shape is very bad with damages here and there... Someone any idea???


  1. Vittorio Citossi

    Hi, I have some info for you:
    the airplane is located in FOTANEBIANCHE FRATTE – S. GIUSTINA IN COLLE (PADOVA) North Italy.
    The ” Amici Arma Azzurra ” association is riconditioning it and at the moment is assembled and painted with base grey coating.

  2. Harry Prins Post author

    Thanks for the information Vittorio!


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