
104651 (cn 5805) rolled out on 17th August !!!!

Report from Thomas Hinderks - Alberta Aviation Museum:

The event Saturday August 17th went extremely well. Over 500 people in attendance and at least that many more through the day.
Guest speakers included Members of Parliment, Members of the Alberta Legislature, The Alberta Minister of Culture and the last pilot of the real 104651 Ricki Wall which flew the aircraft until it crashed.
Among the guests were 30+ former Starfighter personnel air crew, ground crew and civilian (North West Industries).
Among the aircrew were (6) of Canada's original jet fighter pilots that started on Vampire 3s and finished on the CF-104s.

Nice video footage can be found here:




  1. Roger "Kicker"Seroo

    Very very nice work! I had some doubts with this and was afraid that this TF would be sprayed in a silver coating instead of being real bare metal, but when I see this magnificent result now, I can say to all guys who worked on her, hats off to you all!!!! It’s defenately one of the best Zippers in a canadian livery!!!!
    Really more than very very nice!!!! Some small markings are placed in a wrong position, but overall it looks great!!


  2. Harry Prins Post author

    Latest status just prior roll out. .

    1) The top fairings on the Horizontals should be polished aluminum, but due
    to corrosion damage they have had to be repaired and painted instead.

    2) Tip and underwing external fuel tanks had hidden damage discovered after
    paint was stripped, would not allow polishing so have been painted correct

    3) The noted missing instruments…which has become exceptionally
    frustrating as we cannot complete the cockpits before it was rolled out.


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