miscellaneous youtube starfighter videos

Interesting videos about the F-104 Starfighter can be found here:

(be aware that video's are available on the public youtube website and could have been gone at any time..)

Lockheed TF-104GM Starfighter Walkaround and explanation (Black Beauty) by Piercarlo Ciacchi

F/TF-104 Starfighter - 4°Stormo Italian Air Force - Grosseto AB 2004 1/6 - VideoAviation.com

F/TF-104 Starfighter - 4°Stormo Italian Air Force - Grosseto AB 2004 2/6 - VideoAviation.com

F/TF-104 Starfighter - 4°Stormo Italian Air Force - Grosseto AB 2004 3/6 - VideoAviation.com

F/TF-104 Starfighter - 4°Stormo Italian Air Force - Grosseto AB 2004 4/6 - VideoAviation.com

F/TF-104 Starfighter - 4°Stormo Italian Air Force - Grosseto AB 2004 5/6 - VideoAviation.com

F/TF-104 Starfighter - 4°Stormo Italian Air Force - Grosseto AB 2004 6/6 - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #01,wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #02.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #03.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #04.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #05.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #06.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #07.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #08.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #09.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #10.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #11.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #12.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #13.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #14.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #15.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #16.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #17.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #18.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #19.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #20.wmv - VideoAviation.com

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #21.wmv

F-104 Starfighter 5°Stormo Cervia AB last year 2003 #22.wmv

2004 Grosetto, Italia F 104 Starfighter, 3 mai 2004 - by Erik Dahlen

Lockheed F-104 BLC (Boundery Layer Control) system explained with live aircraft!! - by Piercarlo Ciacchi

Lockheed TF 104G:M Routine training flight by Piercarlo Ciacchi

Lockheed TF-104G: Supersonic Shockwave caught on camera Mach 1.7

155 Gruppo CBO Poligono di Maniago parte1 - F-104 operations.

155 Gruppo CBO Poligono di Maniago parte2 - F-104 operations.

2004 Grosetto, Italia F 104 Starfighter, 3 mai - by Erik Dahlen

322 squadron interception movie 1964 - Royal Netherlands Air Force - Polygoon

Old days Danish Air Force Starfighters movie

Part from a Taiwanese movie with F-104Gs.

JASDF production and delivery 1966.

USAF F-104G Instruction video


Royal Netherlands Air Force F-104 at Coverntry 1978 (Hans van der Werf)

Royal Netherlands Air Force F-104 pilot Gerhard Westerdijk's last F-104 flight.

EJÈRCITO DEL AÌRE. ESPAÑA. F104G Starfighter. B.A.Torrejòn. 1965/1972

Old Super8 mm (soundless) video Murted F-102/F-104 1973

Old Super8 mm (soundless) video Murted F-104 on 30-8-1974
Early 70's German film about the importance of good F-104 maintenance
It's F-104 monday, Nice video shots from the past with music by New Order
Harald Hartman Dahlmann was an F104G pilot - an interview (by Kevin Mack)
Harald Hartman Dahlmann was an F104G pilot - an interview (part 2) (by Kevin Mack)
Taiwanese Air Force F-104 operations in 1972
Taiwanese Air Force F-104 operations in the ninetees
Pilot Has 24h To Save A Dying Child - Memmingen F-104G effort
Special German website with interesting old videos:
Take down and transport of F-104S RS-01 from Piacenza university to San Damiano AB (August 2023)
Video taken at the dump South of Bandirma showing the wrecks of a TF-104G and two F-104Gs.