
Beneath an overview of all known magazine releases with reports or articles about the F-104 Starfighter.

1956 Magazine Title author Remarks 
April Lockheed Star F-104A Unvealed Lockheed About the first public appearance of the F-104A
November Flying Safety The F-104 story unknown no extra information
1957 Magazine Title author Remarks
February RAF Flying Review Lockheed F-104A unknown no extra information
1958 Magazine Title author Remarks
May Hangar Flying Lockheed F-104 Starfighter unknown no extra information
1959 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Mach - 1 / 1959 Lockheed F-104 Starfighter W Dannau / G Denidder no extra information
June Avia 6/59 De Starfighter F.F.K. <Dutch>
1960 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Avia 1/60 Wereldrecord houder wordt NL nieuwe verded. unknown <Dutch>
February Onze Luchtmacht 2/60 De Lockheed F-104G Starfighter F.J. Molenaar <Dutch>
February Flying Safety Operation Starblazer None 4 pages
March Flying F-104 Starfighters unknown unknown
August AirForceMagazine The F-104 James Jabara (337FIS) 5 pages about the 104 operations
1961 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Mach - 1 / 1961 Different articles about F-104 unknown Different articles about F-104
February FlugRevue - nr 2 F-104G Super Starfighter unknown no extra information
March Shell Aviation News 3/61 International Super Star John Softness no extra information
1962 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Herkenning 1-62 De ontwikkeling van de Starfighter unknown <Dutch>
May Ali Nuove 1-15 Maggio article about the first AMI F-104G unknown no extra information
October Avia 10/62 Europa's moderne wapensmidse vd Klaauw <Dutch>
December Onze Luchtmacht 12/62 European 104 Production / F104 Flightsim. B.W.Noordam <Dutch>
1963 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Vliegende Hollander Dit vliegtuig is geweldig! M.G.Janssen <Dutch>
January Avia 1/63 Starfighter squadrons in wording A.P de J. <Dutch>
March Herkenning 3-63 Starfighter entree unknown <Dutch>
August Hot Rod F-104 jet unknown N104L seen inside and on cover
September Air Force Magazine Toughest Flying School in the World J.S.Butz Jr. About USAF F-104s as well
October Popular Mechanics TAC's Top Gun Kevin V Brown 7 pages about the 104 in TAC service
November Vi Flyr nr 101 (11/63) O.A.20 Minutter Fra OSLO til BODO Finn Arnesen Norwegian 104 recordflight
December Cockpit 12/63 De Luftwaffe Hugo Hooftman <Dutch>
1964 Magazine Title author Remarks
June Starfighter Newsletter vol4 nr3 Various 104 news from Lockheed Lockheed none
September Vi Flyr nr 111 (9/64) unknown (a starfighter article) unknown <Norwegian> Norwegian magazine (FN-U on cover)
1965 Magazine Title author Remarks
June Het Trimvlak Dit is nu onze Starfighter M.G.Janssen <Dutch>
June Flight International
June Flight Magazine Homesick Angel unknown About Dutch interceptor Starfighters
Unknown Flugwelt 1965 heft 7 AIRCENT + article about Luke AFB unknown 6 pages total
1966 Magazine Title author Remarks
May Vliegende Hollander 5/66 Starfighters vliegen veilig unknown <Dutch>
June RAF Flying Review 21 nr 10 Luftwaffe F-104 Starfighter unknown no extra information
July Vliegende Hollander 7/66 Luchtmacht Starfighter zet hoog in unknown <Dutch>
September Air Pictorial Tiger Meet unknown unknown
unknown Profile - nr 131 Lockheed F-104G / CF104 Gerhard Joos no extra information (Fly Past magazine?)
1967 Magazine Title author Remarks
December Interavia Evaluation of the F-104 Starfighter unknown 4 pages
1968 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Hangar Flying Off for a spin in the NF-104A "Lockheed" no extra information
September Militaire Spectator 9/68 De F-104G in de tactische luchtstrijdkrachten L.J.Rupp no extra information
November FlugRevue - nr 11 Lockheed RF-104G and TRF-104G H. Brenner 5 pages
1969 Magazine Title author Remarks
April Echo Nord 4-69 Dif. F-104 Starfighter unknown no extra information
December FlugRevue - nr 12 Ziel: Luke AFB / Atlantikflug mit dem Starfighter K. Stocker no extra information
1970 Magazine Title author Remarks
August Cockpit 8-70 Dif. F-104 Hugo Hooftman <Dutch>
1971 Magazine Title author Remarks
Sept/Oct Flight Comment (9-10) The devil at six o'clock J.D.Williams Canadian magazine
December KOKU-FAN 71-12 Chinese Nationalist Air Force 104 unknown <Taiwanese> 6 pages article
Unknown Air Enthusiast (annual) CL1200 Lancer article unknown a very comprehensive article
1972 Magazine Title author Remarks
January KOKU-FAN 72-1 Chinese Nationalist Air Force 104 unknown <Taiwanese> some 104 photos
May Air Enthusiast May 72 Post Mortem on an Air War John Fricker About the 1972 India Pakistan war
1973 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Japanese Mil. Av. Today Japanese Military Aviation Today Akira Watanabe Also 104s
Jan/Febr Flight Comment (1-2) Wake turbulance problems (article) E.N.Ronaasen Canadian magazine
April KOKU-FAN 73-4 Chinese Nationalist Air Force 104 unknown <Taiwanese> some 104 photos
1974 Magazine Title author Remarks
February FlugRevue - 2-74 Jet Ausbildung in den USA Hans Redemann no extra information
July Flight International 7-74 Italy's Aerospace Industry M.Lambert/M.Hewish Also a bit about the F-104
August Flight International 8-74 World's Airforces B.C.Wheeler Also about the F-104 users
Unknown AAHS Journal vol 19 Starfighters and Sunshine Equals Geoffrey B Rhodes Visit report Muniz AB, 3 page + photos
1975 Magazine Title author Remarks
June Vox - 6/75 Jagerbommenw.v.d.10e W./droomw.Piloot P.Delhez/E.B. no extra information
September Air International The Arab Profecssionals (The R Jord Air Force) unknown 7 pages, also two 104 photos
Unknown Kosmonautica nr 3 F-104 Starfighter Jiri R Moravec 4 pages black and white
1976 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Flying Westerlies - New conquest for Greenamyer? George C Larson About the RB-104 preparations (2 pages)
March Modell Fan 3-76 Das ende der Deutchen acro-teams Manfred Leihse About the F-104F team accident
April Air Progress F-104 : I flew it Jules Fried no extra information
July Modell Fan 7-76 Lockheed F-104G "besser als sein Ruf" I Manfred Leihse <German> Three pages (b&w)
July Modell Fan 8-76 Lockheed F-104G "besser als sein Ruf" II Manfred Leihse <German> Four pages (b&w)
August Kit - 8/76 F-104 Starfighter M. Davain no extra information
Sept Luftwaffe 9-76 F-104 Unfallrate konstat niedrig unknown no extra information
1977 Magazine Title author Remarks
April AirProgress Red Baron's RB-104 Jim Larsen no extra information
April Modelbouw in plastic 77-4 F-104 unknown <Dutch>
June Vox - 6/77 Article about the nightflying (background) unknown F-104s
June Aerospace Historian The Luftwaffe at Luke Robert C Sullivan 7 pages
April Air Progress Starfighter Scot Rayburn 4 pages about the RB-104 recordflights
1978 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Modelbouw in plastic 78-1 F-104 unknown <Dutch>
June Sports Illustrated 12-june-78 Goodbye to a Red Baron Coles Phinizy 6 pages about the RB-104 story
1979 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Air International Vol 16 nr 2 Italian Aerospace unknown no extra information
July AeroKurier 7/79 Als gast in einer TF-104G KLaus-d. Gottschalk no extra information
July Flug Revue 7/1979 Luke AFB Arizona Georg Wegemann 4 pages
August Air Fan 8/79 Tiger article J.M.Guhl also F-104s
September Flight International 1-sep-79 Luftwaffe in Europe's front line Mark Lambert 6 pages article
October Aerophile volume 2 nr 2 F-104 pictural unknown no extra information
December Avia 12/79 Lockheed Starfighter nog steeds vooraan Bart vd Klaauw <Dutch>
1980 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Air International Vol 18 nr 1 Luftwaffe of the 80s unknown no extra information
May Aerei Modellismo Nr 4: F-104 Starfighter special unknown no extra information
August Modell Fan 8-80 JABOG33 die geschwader unserer Luftwaffe Udo Weisse About the JBG33 aircraft (lots of 104s)
September Avia 9/80 Leeuwarden nam afscheid vd Starfighter Dick vd Aart <Dutch> 2 pages with historic photos
December FlugRevue - nr 12 Starfighter story - part 1 Hans Redemann no extra information
Unknown Defence Update - BIB Last flight in Starfighter S. Petersen no extra information
Unknown Vliegende Hollander F-104G: twee maal de geluidsnelheid unknown <Dutch>
1981 Magazine Title author Remarks
January FlugRevue - nr 1 Starfighter story - part 2 Hans Redemann no extra information
January Kijk 1-81 Afscheid van de Starfighter S. Bolt <Dutch>
Jan/Febr Aviation News 30-1/12-2 Scale Plans F-104 STARFIGHTER + CCV news unknown no extra information
June Aerei Modellismo Nr 6: F-104 Starfighter unknown no extra information
November Airfix Magazine German 104s unknown no extra information
December Scale Aircraft Modelling F-104 Starfighter article unknown no extra information
1982 Magazine Title author Remarks
March Reconnaissance nr 6 F-104 photo report Henk Scharringa 11 pages with 104 photos
April Le fanatique de L'Aviation nr149 Le F-104 dans l'USAF et au Vietnam Jean-Pierre Hoehn 10 pages but wellknown photos
June Aerospace Historian Slipping the Surly Bonds with a Zip - The F-104 Bob Messerli 8 pages
June FlugRevue 6-82 CCV fur Kunstliche Stabilitat unknown no extra information
November Aero Magazine 11-82 Mission and F-104G unknown no extra information
1983 Magazine Title author Remarks
March Reconnaissance nr 11 De Lockheed F-104 Starfighter A.G. vd Brink 16 pages article
April FlugRevue - 4-83 Star von gestern Peter Greve no extra information
May FlugRevue 5-83 Schulschluss Hans Redemann no extra information
June/July Aero Magazine 6/7-83 Pilote de Chasse unknown About 104s
July Modell Fan 7-83 Kennzeichen der Luftwaffe H.D. Schmidt no extra information
September Air Combat 9-83 Vol 11 nr 5 Nato's Workhorse F-104 M Klaver / R.Timble Wonderful articles about 104, 23 pages
Unknown Illustrated Encyclopedia 72 F-104 Starfighter unknown drawings included
1984 Magazine Title author Remarks
April Air Fan 4/84 Spottersday at Volkel M. Dubail also F-104s
April Avia 4/84 Afscheid van Belgische Starfighters Andre van Haute no extra information
April Flug Revue 4/84 Starfighter - Star von Gestern? Peter Greve Article about a flight at Luke AB
September Herkenning Vol 36 nr 5 Adieu Starfighter unknown <Dutch> two photo pages (b&w)
unknown Actueel De vliegende doodskisten zijn niet meer W. Mallens <Dutch> Dutch magazine, farewell of the Dutch 104s.
1985 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Flugzeug 1-85 Der letzte STARFIGHTER vom JaboG 33 unknown no extra information
January Aviation News 1-85 Dutch Starfighter farewell Jac.v.Tuyn no extra information
January Luchtvaart wereld 1-85 Afscheid vd Starfighters in Nederland Coen vd Heuvel <Dutch>
Jan/Febr Aviation News Vol 13 nr 18 Mediterranean Exchange Salvador Mafe Huertas 9 Stormo exchange report, 3 pages
March/Apr Aviation News 22 Mar / 4 Apr The Canadian Starfighter Peter Foster 7 pages including Canadair MAP 104s
June Luftwaffe 6-85 Alte Kameraden? Peter Berendt no extra information
July Luftwaffe 7-85 Eines letzten mal unknown no extra information
July Air Fan 7/85 Hundertvier bis zum Ende. J.M.Guhl also F-104s
August Aircraft Illustrated 8/85 Starfighter Swansong Andre van Haute no extra information
extra Full Stop De Leeuwarder T/F-104G STARFIGHTERS M.D.Tabak <Dutch>
1986 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Flight Comment (2) CF-104 - A look back unknown Canadian magazine
February Flugzeug 2-86 Farwell to 441 Squadron H.G.Wiegand no extra information
February Aircraft Illustrated 2-86 Starfighter Sortie Ben J Ullings no extra information
March Air Pictorial 3-86 Starfighter Twilight M.English 6 pages
April Air Fan 4/86 One-o-Four Forever C. Nachbauer no extra information
June Wings  Vol 16 nr 3 F-104 Special D.L.Bashow no extra information
Jun/July Jagerblatt 6/7-1986 20 Jahre Cactus Staff/Himmel vol STARF. Horst Wilhelms no extra information
September Aircraft Illustrated 9-86 CFB Baden Soellingen Ben J Ullings no extra information
November Air Combat vol 14 nr 6 Aircraft of the skunk works unknown Including info on F-104
December Air International 12-86 Updating the Italian F- 104's Ricardo Niccoli Nice article with 8 pages.
Spring 86 AirCombatSpecial Agels 100 in the NF-104 Starfighter Launier Jet Fighters 1950-65 edition
Unknown Warplane Vol 2 nr 23 Lockheed F-104 Starfighter unknown With F-104 centrefold poster
1987 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Elseviers Magazine Fatsoenlijke koper gezocht Bert Bommels <Dutch> About selling the Dutch 104s
May Aviation News 15-28 may 87 Going, Going, Gone  (about Belgium 104s) Peter Foster 3 pages
July FlugRevue - nr 7 F-104G – die geschmähte Diva Muller/Redemann 7 pages
Dec/Jan Flugzeug 6-87 Die Ente mit dem Bleiballast CCV-104 Reiner Karras no extra information
1988 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Aeroplane Monthly Testing the American Jets: F-104 Roland Beamont 5 pages about the early 104 testprogram
April Aviation News 1/14 Apr 1988 The Cats of Villafrance (3 Stormo) M.Finati / R.Sacchetti 6 pages
July/August Ptisi & diastima vol54 F-104 Starfighter unknown <Greek> Greek magazine
November Laviation nr228 F-104G Le mythe et la realite (part 1) JP Haen & M Benichou History of the F-104
December Laviation nr229 F-104G Le mythe et la realite (part 2 e fin) JP Haen & M Benichou History of the F-104
extra Jagerblatt sonderausgabe Abschied vom STARF/Offener Brief F-104G Piet Vogler no extra information
1989 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Modelbouw in plastic 89-2 F-104 target tug Joop Dionet <Dutch>
April Flugzeug 4/89 Zum freundschaftsbesuch kurs ad Insel Sizilien Manfred Franzke Two pages about a JG74 / 18gr exchange
October Aviation News 13 Oct 1989 STARFIGHTER DOWN - 479 TFW CRASH Robert F Dorr 57-926 accident - 3 pages
November Luchtvaart 11/89 De Luchtmacht van Turkije H.Sixma/T.v.Geffen <Dutch> Also about F-104s, 6 pages article
unknown Air Fan 126 TAF today/Defense Aerienne Italienne H.Sixma/A.Palma no extra information
unknown Take Off nr 49 The MIG Killers unknown Also about the F-104
1990 Magazine Title author Remarks
March Jagerblatt 3-1990 30 Jahr.F-104/Anruf ehem.F-104 Piloten H.U.Fade / H.Thu no extra information
March Space Flight News 3-90 NASA Starfighter Story Ed Schneider no extra information
September Aviation News 14/27 Sep '90 STARFIGHTER Supreme (AMI F-104's) M.Finati/P.Rollino 6 pages
unknown Airplane nr34 Encyclopedia - F-104 Starfighter unknown no extra information
1991 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Flugzeug 2-91 Good-bye, F-104 S. Petersen no extra information
1992 Magazine Title author Remarks
June/July Flug Action 6/7 92 Die Wächter der OstSee Phillipe Lamberts <German> also 104s
July Air Action Les Gardiens de la Baltique Phillipe Lamberts also 104s
1993 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Peeljager 01-93 Van de flightline - Staven Stephan Goossens <Dutch> 3 pages about where the Klu 104s are
February Flugzeug Vol 9 - 2/1993 Die Aufklärer der AMI Alexander Stepanovic 4 pages about the RF-104G within the AMI
June Onze Luchtmacht 6/93 De eerste conversie op de Starfighter Willem Helffrich <Dutch> no extra information
July Air Power Different articles about F-104 unknown nice articles.
Aug/Sept Aeronautica & Difesa Quale Caccia Per L'Italia Oreste Micheli 4 pages
October Vietnam Article about Phil Smith shoot down in 1965 Lt.Col David MacIssac 1+ page with photo of Mike Korte in 104
unknown TakeOff nr8 Flying the ZIP 104 unknown unknown
1994 Magazine Title author Remarks
March Onze Luchtmacht 3/94 Dutch Masters anno 1981 Willem Helffrich <Dutch>
March Air Forces monthly Lockheed Starfighter – A Legend in Decline unknown around 6 pages about the F-104
April Flugzeug Der F-104 Schule der AMI Alexander Stepanovic no extra information
July AirForce  (vol 18 nr 2) Ode to the Starfighter (Canadian Magazine) Bill McWilliams 3 pages about the experience with the 104 by the author/pilot
Aug/Sept Aeronautica & Difesa Límmortale F-104 Nico Sgarlato 7 pages about the last 104 era
unknown Zlinek F-104 Starfighter I unknown no extra information
unknown Zlinek F-104 Starfighter II unknown no extra information
1995 Magazine Title author Remarks
Summer Jet Classics Vol 1 Nr 2 Starfighter Prototype Test Programs J.P.Fitzgerald no extra information
October KOKU-FAN Oct 1995 F-104 in RoCAF unknown <Japanese> four photopagesarticle of RoCAF 104s.
November Air Forces Research nr 8 Spanish Starfighters Jose. L.G. Serrano four pages
November Air Power International Trapani Birgi (Base Visit) Francesco Majorana no extra information
1996 Magazine Title author Remarks
2nd Quart Wings Of Fame Lockheed F-104 Starfighter John Fricker Pages 38 till 99.
May/June Air Combat Vol 24 nr 3 F-104 Starfighter story M.O'Leary/J.P.Fitzgerald no extra information
October Wings vol 26 nr 5 Lockheed's F-104 in Vietnam, right plane Warren Thompson no extra information
November Aircraft Illustrated  11-96 Stargazing Peter R Foster About RoCAF 104s, 5 pages
November Air World International Greek Starfighters unknown 2 pages about Hellenic Starfighters
December Onze Luchtmacht 12/96 Italiaanse Starfighters Rob Portengen & others <Dutch>
Unknown AFi Tiger Meet '96 Jelle Sjoerdsma Also 21gr Starfighters, 4 pages
1997 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Luchtvaart Spaanse Starfighters Cor van Gent <Dutch>
February Wings Vol 27 nr 1 Airmail: report by Capt Norman N Huff Norman N Huff 2 pages
April KOKU-FAN apr 1997 UF-104J/JA unknown <Japanese> 8 pages special article UF-104 droneprogram
July Ucanturk 7-97 Iberya 'dan Anadolu'ya S.Guvenc/L.Basara 5 pages about ex Spanish 104s in THK
Oct/Nov Onze Luchtmacht Canadezen in Europa (part 2) Willem Helffrich <Dutch> Also about the CF-104s
November Vliegende Hollander vol 53 n 7 Laatste F-104s vliegen in italie Gert Kromhout <Dutch> 3 color pages about the AMI 104s
1998 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Przeglad Konstrukcji Lotniczych F-104 E.F.Rybak Polish magazine (issue nr 36)
January Air Forces Monthly nr118 F-104S unknown unknown
February Flight Journal  2-98 Starfighter down. Jack "Suitcase" Simpson 6 pages
March Peeljager nr2 Laatste vlucht van de D-5811 v As/Hennings <Dutch>
August Air Forces Monthly ROCAF F-104s Retire Wei Bin Chang 4 color pages
October Vliegende Hollander Vol 54 n 6 Starfighters boven de trein Martin Zijlstra <Dutch> 5 pages about the train attack in 1977
Sept/Oct World Airshow News Pilot brings F-104s back to life Phil Heitman 5 pages
1999 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Flygrevyn 2/99 Starfighters Inc. Pekka Leino Swedish magazine
March Aeronautica & Difesa A Presto 22' Gruppo Diego Bigolin 6 pages
March JP4 Arrivederci Pluti P.Rollino/R.Sacchetti 4 pages about goodbye 104 - 22gruppo
May Warbirds International Saving Starfighters unknown How USA museum preserve 104s.
June Air Forces Monthly Italy at war David Cenciotti The Italian involvement in Op. Allied Force (F-104 too)
July Aeronautica & Difesa L'F-104 Starfighter per i 50 anni del RSV Roberto Tamburini 3 pages about the black RSV 104 project
2000 Magazine Title author Remarks
April Turkish Aviation Mag 2000-4 Turkish Starfighters Yararlanilan Kaynaklar 6 pages, only photos of preserved 104s
June Air Forces Monthly 07-2000 Italy's War Machines Sacchetti Two photos of 104s included
November AOPA - pilots and planes Rocketing out of obscurity Vincent Czaplyski 6 pages about the Starfighters Inc team.
November Wing Masters nr 19 F-104C in scale 1:48 Pierre Alain Lambert 4 pages on the modelling of an F-104 C in scale 1:48
unknown World Aircraft Information Files Nr 25 F-104 Starfigther part 1 unknown Also article about the F-104
2001 Magazine Title author Remarks
April Playboy (German version) The Starfighters Demo Team unknown no extra information
April/May Air&Space Smithsonian The Starfighters Demo Team unknown no extra information
May Aeronautica & Difesa Scramble! David Cenciotti Col Agrusti recalls the QRAs of the 12Gr at Gioia.d.C
September Classic Jet Journal CF-104D N104 accident article Mark Sherman About his incident with N104
December Aeronautica & Difesa Allarme nei cieli italiani David Cenciotti How a Libyan aircraft was intercepted by ItAF F-104s
2002 Magazine Title author Remarks
Oct/Nov Air&Space Smithsonian Souped up Starfighter - Chuck Yeagers trainer George J Marrett 8 pages about the NF-104 career
November Air Forces Monthly Memories of a fighter pilot David Cenciotti The Italian F-104s during the Cold War
2003 Magazine Title author Remarks
January On Target Profiles 1-2003 Lockheed F-104 Starfighter John Freeman no extra information
April Combat Aircraft vol 5 / 4-'03 The Interceptosaurus R.Portenge/R.Cooper no extra information
September Aircraft Illustrated Starfighters unknown unknown
October Aeronautica & Difesa Il 9° Stormo David Cenciotti The last Italian Wing equipped with the F-104
December Onze Luchtmacht 12/03 Air to Air (AMI 104 flying report) Frank Visser <Dutch> 3 pages full color
December Air Forces Monthly Starfighter SwanSong David Cenciotti no extra information
unknown unknown Life in the fast lane / The F-104 needs no intro Cooper/Agostinelli 8 pages
2004 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Wings Vol 34 Nr 1 NASA Starfighters Roy Bryant Many pages with good photos.
March Air Combat Vol 5 Nr 3 Starfighters in Vietnam Warren Thompson 10 pages about the Vietnam operations by F-104s.
June Flugzeug Classic 6-2004 Die bemannte rakete Wolfgang Muhlbauer 5 pages (b&w) about 50 years XF-104
August Aircraft Illustrated Starfighter Finale unknown unknown
October Vliegende Hollander Jankend afscheid Arno Marchand <Dutch> About the 104 farewell in May 2004 Italy (5p)
2005 Magazine Title author Remarks
February AirForce Magazine Zoom Climb John Lowery Fatal NF-104 climb by Major Haderlie, 4 pages
May Aerei nr 14 Lockheed F-104 Il Mito Starfighter unknown no extra information
Unknown REVI nr 57 - Brezen 2005 Zipper, Ostruhy a Vietnam Jiri R Moravec <Czech> 8 pages about 104 Vietnam operation (b&w)
Unknown REVI nr 59 - Cervenec 2005 Starfightery v prvni indo-pakistanske valce Jiri R Moravec <Czech> 4 pages about Pakistan 104s (Czech magazine)
2006 Magazine Title author Remarks
June Flight Journal  6-06 Starfighter in Vietnam Warren Thompson 8 pages
June Air Forces Monthly RAF Wildenrath, Tactical Air Meet 1978 Alan Warns 2 pages in color
June Full Stop Canadese Starfighters Ludo Mennes <Dutch> 14 pages with photos
September Model Airplane International Article about the Hasegawa two-seat model unknown unknown
September Full Stop Historie Waffenschule 10/JaBo 38 Ludo Mennes <Dutch> 11 pages with photos
November Wielka Encyklopedia Lotnictwa F-104 Starfighter unknown <Polish> 2 pages regarding the F-104.
2007 Magazine Title author Remarks
January Air International 1-07 Stars over Germany Thomas Newdick 8 pages
January Aircraft Illustrated Blast from the past : German Starfighters unknown no extra information
June Combat Aircraft vol 9 / nr6 Century series - F-104 Starfighter Thomas Newdick no extra information
July Aircraft Illustrated The Vikings - F-104 team unknown around 4 pages
October Full Stop 6st Stormo Ludo Mennes <Dutch> 6 pages with photos
2008 Magazine Title author Remarks
March/Apr World Airshow News Starfighter 3 Jim Froneberger 4 pages on the Starfighters Inc team in Florida
April Fly Past Talking to the Silk Twice Warren Thompson About the 104 escape from Corley
June Combat Aircraft Magazine (nr6) article about the F-104 unknown no extra information
September AIM 2008-3 N104RB trip report Roger Seroo Roger Seroo <Dutch> N104RB trip report (Spottinggroup Volkel Magazine)
December Piloot & Vliegtuig N104RB trip report Roger Seroo Roger Seroo <Dutch> N104RB trip report
December Full Stop 23rd Gruppo Eibert Visser <Dutch> 3 pages with photos
Winter Air plan - the hook - vol 36 nr 4 What is an FSV - also about NAVY 104s unknown ISSN 0736-9220
2009 Magazine Title author Remarks
Jan/Febr Legion Magazine Recollections of a nuclear strike piloy Eric Mold 3 pages
Jan/Febr AOPA - pilots and planes Seroo op 10000 feet Roger Seroo Interesting N104RB trip report
March Full Stop Aufklärungsgeschwader AG 52 Ludo Mennes <Dutch> wing report
2010 Magazine Title author Remarks
April Military Aircraft Monthly Norwegian Starfighter Nils Mathisrud 8 pages with side profile drawings
Dec/Jan AeroJournal nr19 La Renaissance De La Luftwaffe_1955-1965 unknown 26 pages including the early days of the 104 in the Luftwaffe
2011 Magazine Title author Remarks
Oct/Nov Grandi aerei moderni F-104 Starfighter unknown no extra information
2012 Magazine Title author Remarks
May Sport Aerobatics Tony LeVier unknown Story about Tony Le Vier
Unknown Classic Aircraft F-104 CCV and ZELL Andreas Zeitler 4 pages about the special 104s (english)
2013 Magazine Title author Remarks
June Klassiker der Luftfahrt 13-6 F-104F Starfighter Hans-Ulrich Flade F-104F story
November Combat Aircraft Monthly Record Breaking Starfighters unknown unknown
2014 Magazine Title author Remarks
February Flug Revue nr 4 ZELL Starfighters Patrick Hoeveler unknown
October PSAM Beacon Article on the D-8244 entering PSAM collection PSAM PSAM museum received D-8244 in 2014 and made it an F-104C
November Fly Past Capt Johnson unknown about Capt Johnsson 104 achievements
2015 Magazine Title author Remarks
January FlyPast Spotlight: Lockheed F-104 Starfighter unknown unknown
April AviationClassicAircraft News Canadian Starfighters - Cold War Warrior unknown unknown
June F-104 The missile with the man in it Barrett Tillman 8 pages
July Air Classics CF-104D 104668 accident story Mike Machat 2 pages
December FullStop 15/4 Glen Snake Reeves at Leeuwarden Aug 1968 unknown Dutch language / 5 pages
2016 Magazine Title author Remarks
May Aviation Classic Aircraft News Starfighters Aerospace - second life for 104s Luigino Caliaro About Starfighters Inc operations - 7 pages
August Aviation Jets News Starfighters on the Prowl Doug Gordon 5 pages about F-104 naval operations within MFG
October L'Aviation nr563 NF-104 Sur la route des etoiles Alexis Roger 12 pages about the NF-104
November Aeroplane Montly Norwegian Starfighter Flies Ben Dunnell 1 page about the first flight of CF-104D 104637 civil
December L'Aviation nr565 La mauvaise reputation du F-104 Starfighter Rene Francillion 6 pages on the F-104
December Aviation News Star and Bar Starfighters / Italian F-104s W.Thompson / T. Docherty unknown
2017 Magazine Title author Remarks
April Slow Roll Capt Tofferi and Mike Vivian Article IFS and Mike Vivian Radio controlled F-104 models
November ΠΤΗΣΗ & ΔΙΑΣΤΗΜΑ F-104G FG-643 to EDA Themis Vranas PTISI & DIASTIMA,   FLIGHT & SPACE (greek language)
Year??? Magazine Title author Remarks
February Carnet de Vol 349 Belgium Squadron, 40 ans d'historie unknown no extra information
August FlugRevue 8 Der Star unter den Fightern Teil 1 Hans Redemann no extra information
Sept FlugRevue 9 Der Star unter den Fightern Teil 2 Hans Redemann no extra information
unknown Carnet de Vol One-o-Four Nostalgia unknown no extra information
unknown Air Action nr 28 Auf wiedersehen F-104 Jens Schmidtgen no extra information
unknown Air Combat The NF-104A Lt Col L H Lanier 6 pages about the NF-104 operation (1970?)
unknown Militaire Spectator De Logistieke werkgroep F-104 P.A.Callenbach <Dutch>
unknown Militaire Spectator Vervanging van de Starfighter A.J.Meulenbroek <Dutch>
unknown Militaire Spectator De F-104G als verkenningsvliegtuig A.Adriaens <Dutch>
unknown JP4 4 Stormo C.I. 20 gruppo A.O. A.Vizzini/P.Francois no extra information
unknown JP4 F-104 ASA Paolo Gianvanni no extra information
unknown JP4 Raporto Starfighter R.Sachetti/R.Niccoli no extra information
unknown JP4 51 Stormo M.Torcoli/M.Moffa no extra information
unknown JP4 3 Stormo Caccia G.Bussi/C.Carretta no extra information
unknown JP4 Starfighter in Spagna Gonzalo Avila Cruz no extra information
unknown JP4 Le Missioni di intercettazione dell'104 Antonio Mancino no extra information
unknown JP4 Un Giorno da leoni Ricardo Niccoli no extra information
unknown JP4 Starfighters Candesi in Danimarca Ole Nikolajsen no extra information
unknown JP4 5'Stormo Domenico Binda no extra information
unknown RAF Flying Review 14 nr 5 Super Starfighter unknown no extra information
unknown Gen. Aviation Series Vol 1 nr1 Warplanes of the Skunkworks M O'Leary no extra information
unknown War Plane nr 23 The F-104 Starfighter unknown With F-104 centrefold poster
unknown Air Forces Research Jordanian Starfighters Michiel Vogelpoel Four pages
July Air Forces Monthly 07-???? Taiwan Take Off unknown 6 pages (also 104s)
unknown Aerei nr ? F-104 in Congedo Illimitato Groenendijk/Ferregeau 3 pages
unknown WarMachine Vol6 Issue 61 Fighters in Vietnam unknown 2 pages on the F-104


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