ADC FIS and ANG nicknames and zapps

The 83rd FIS at Hamilton Air Base was the very first operational F-104 squadron in the world.
An interesting fact was that lots of pilots had their own aircraft and on a certain moment decided to add a cartoon or text zapp on the the front fuselage during the 50s.
We have no idea how many pilots had these zapps added but beneath we tried to make some kind of overview of the ones we know.
Aircraft seen with unidentified zapps were: 56-777, 56-781, 56-785, 56-795, 56-796, 56-805, 56-808, 56-810, 56-819.
also this was seen with a few aircraft from 538th FIS of which only 56-840 was identified. Unidentified zapped 538FIS aircraft included 56-788 and 56-854 (both in 1959).

Later on in 1963 both 331FiS at Webb and 319FiS at Homestead linked a number of aircraft to American cities and used these as nickname on the nose of their Starfighters. (See further beneath). Of course 319FiS picked city names from Florida.

83FiS and 538FiS      
 F-104 Starfighter Serial No. Pilot name ZAPP information Photo (if any) click to open.
56-770(?) Unknown - Unknown Apple Knocker
56-784 538FIS - 1st Lt E.W. Bunn Pap Wahoo
56-785 83FIS - Unknown Lil Shaky II
56-791, 56-803 (later) 83FIS - Major Carl H. Leo Vociferous Viking 56-791_17Sep58_zapped56-803_VociferousViking
56-816 83FIS - Lt. Col. Evans (Lt.Col Goetz?) Dads Special 56-816_DadsSpecial
56-822 337FIS - Lt. Wilmer Grubb Balls of Fire
56-824 83FIS - Lt. George Davis The Road Runner 56-824_83FiS_roadrunner
56-840 538FIS - Homer C Boles Ruler of the Roost
56-841 538FIS - R. T. Hanna The Bandersnatch
56-??? 538FIS - Unknown unidentifiable
56-??? 83FIS - Capt. Robert A Rayford Miss My Iris
56-??? 83FIS - Lt. Cmdr. Brown (USN) Acey Deucey
56-??? 83FIS - Lt. Jim Sherman Jughead
56-??? 83FIS - Lt. Edgar Grieschkov The Bald Eagle
56-??? 83FIS - Capt. Donald Parsons Jayhawker
56-??? 83FIS - Col. Louis W. Ford Top Dog TopDog
56-??? 83FIS - Unknown Wailing Lady WailingLady
56-??? 83FIS - Unknown Shaker
57-1296 83FIS - Not applicable Double Trouble
57-1298 83FIS - Not applicable Pussin Patty


319FiS and 331FiS      
 F-104 Starfighter Serial No.  Pilot name City name information Photo (if any) click to open.
56-791 331FIS - unknown City of Sweetwater
56-821 331FIS - unknown City of Lawesa
56-824 331FIS - unknown City of Kemp
56-863 331FIS - unknown City of Dallas
56-865 331FIS - unknown City of ????
56-866 331FIS - unknown City of San Antonio
56-??? 319FIS - unknown City of Miami


In 1961 some F-104 aircraft from the 197th FIS Arizona ANG at Phoenix Arizona, flew around with zapped nicknames painted on their front nose.

 F-104 Starfighter Serial No.  Pilot name ZAPP information Photo (if any) click to open.
56-784 unknown unreadable
56-795 unknown Bird Dog II
56-??? unknown unreadable