On November 22nd, 2024, the preserved Starfighter “4-955” was removed after…
On November 22nd, 2024, the preserved Starfighter “4-955” was removed after…
Lt.Col ret. Harris Wendell Kirk was a former USAF F-104 Starfighter…
Article inside Florida Today, October 23rd, 2024 – written by Rick…
The International F-104 Society has one major goal. It is the ultimate platform to share, maintain and support preserving F-104 aircraft and its historical information, including the pilots who flew them, with a large group of interested people (members). Most of the members have connection with the F-104 in the past such as (ex)pilots, crew chiefs and aviation enthusiasts. Some members own an F-104 or a cockpit and also the current Starfighter Inc team in the USA is member. The International F-104 Society is a non-profit and non-military organisation. We focus on the F-104 aircraft and its pilots only and are not interested in specific weapon specifications etc. The Society has been established in 1989 by two fanatic F-104 enthusiasts. In 1990 the society started to release small newsletters. In 2005 we stopped with these releases. Because it took too much time from only a few people, and internet became a good alternative, we decided to change from real paper magazines to electronic special subject magazines downloadable from the internet. This was quite a change but kept the 104 soul alive and the 104 Society community together. Currently our IFS website in combination with our Facebook group account and our IO-groups membership platform has taken over all the Society activities were everyone can become an official member for free. Find here more about the Objectives of the IFS.
The number of F-104 pilots known in our database at this moment : 7342
The latest updates to the website can be found in our update log here.
The International F-104 Society Privacy Policy can be found here.
In 1990 the society started to release a small news-letter called ASSASSIN with all kind of information and latest news about the F-104 Starfighter. This simple A-5 format magazine was released every 3 months. In 1990 a lot of Starfighter-enthousiasts all over the world reacted and became a member. Around 1993 we changed the magazine name to a more straightforward name "ZIPPER" after some advices from ex pilots. In 2005 the latest ZIPPER magazine was released via surface mail. Since it was purely based as a non-profit task it took too much time from only a few people and it was decided to change from real paper magazines to electronic magazines downloadable from the internet (e-ZIPPER). This was quite a change but kept the 104 soul alive and the 104 Society community together. There are still a number of paper ZIPPER magazines available for 2 euro each (please contact for more details if interested). Downloadable e-ZIPPER magazines can be found by clicking on the ZIPPER cover beneath:
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Membership is for free. The Society has now members in Holland, Germany, Jordan, Italy, UK, Canada, USA, Belgium, Sweden, UK, Ireland, Taiwan, Turkey, Emirates, Pakistan, France, Spain, Greece, Denmark, Norway and Japan. Among those members are also many (ex-)Starfighter pilots, crew-chiefs and technicians from various countries as well as the current owners of fly-worthy civil registered Starfighters. We also have a gallery available specifically meant for f-104 pilot members.
Why to become a member?
- Membership means that you support the purpose of the Society to save/remember and promote the historical history and values of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter and to share this with the whole community.
- You will be notified on any Starfighter related news, stories, photos and backgrounds via the member mailing list from Yahoo (https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/IntF104Society/info).
- You will have fully access to the database (on individual aircraft) via a specific frequently changing password.
- Ex pilots/crew-chiefs can find each other (on request due to privacy rules) if contacts are known.
- Special requests can be made for certain photos or information.
- Every member will be updated on new downloadable e-magazines (e-ZIPPER) which will be released now and then.
- Every member can request an official membership certificate with number on it (via PDF).
- And finally because the F-104 Starfighter deserves it... and it's for free!!
To be a member please send us a mail via our contact form (by clicking on the button beneath) and add the following information:
Thanks and welcome!!!
Contributions for the International F-104 Society and its website are much appreciated. Please use the post form presented below where you are able to write a text (story etc) and add a photo to it as well.
Posted information will be checked and approved as soon as possible to assure rapid publication.
Of course it is also possible to send an email to us with stories, photos etc... however this might take some time to process.
Do you have a specific question regarding an F-104 or F-104s in general? Please do not hesitate to send your question in an email to info@i-f-s.nl . We will answer you as soon as possible.
Indentifying an F-104 becomes more and more a necessary activity. Lots of aircraft have been put on display with fake codes or even build from various parts making identification a horror activity. A few tips about how to identify an F-104 can be found here.
The International F-104 Society is a non-profit and non-commercial organisation purely run by volunteers.
To run the website and arrange material we need funds. We welcome any donation to support our activities and promote the F-104 history now and in the future.
We want to expand the media and videos in the future, any contribution will be appreciated very much!!
Thanks so much!!!
Some people are interested in buying an F-104 for private use, display purposes, museum usage etc. Also somethimes people are interested in getting an F-104 flyworthy again. For the latter situation be aware that fly safety rules per country normally prevent people in flying any jet, especially when performances exceed speeds up to mach 2. At this moment only 104s are flyworthy (FAA controlled) in the USA and Norwegian Air Force supported in Norway (planned). For those of you who are interested in buying/obtaining an F-104 please find the latest list here.
The F-104 Starfighter is one of the aircraft from the legendary century series aircraft being the F-100 Super Sabre, F-101 Voodoo, F-102 Delta Dagger, F-105 Thunderchief, F-106 Delta Dart and F-107 Ultra Sabre. Also these aircraft own a group of enthusiasts and some have websites like we have for the F-104. Please find the known groups beneath:
F-100 Super Sabre: https://supersabresociety.com/
F-101 Voodoo : http://www.f-101voodoo.com/
F-102 Delta Dagger : http://www.airvectors.net/avf102.html
F-105 Thunderchief: www.burrusspta.org
F-106 Delta Dart: http://www.f-106deltadart.com/
F-107 Ultra Sabre : https://www.johnweeks.com/f107/index.html
F-111 Aardvark: http://www.f-111.net/
Please find beneath an overview of organisations and websites which have an interest in the F-104 Starfighter and also are working closely together with us with the same vision to preserve the history of the F-104 Starfighter and at the bottom an overview of the various movements websites from specific airbases.
MOVEMENTS at various Air Bases
Copyright © 2025 I-F-S.NL Protected by U.S. and International law for the F-104 Society Inc. The Netherlands | Developed by Media4ever and Ralphdesign